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Results 1 - 48 of 167 - Verizon 3G LTE Modem UMW190NCD CDMA USB Universal. Device, allow the drivers to auto-install, and VZAccess Manager Installer. Shutochnie gramoti i diplomi muzhchine na yubilej. Adi 1882 hd audio codec driver windows 7.
Evo resenja: ------------- ** MMS ** 1. Odaberite opciju Settings 2. Zatim odaberite Configuration settings 3. Pa Personal configuration settings 4. Ako je opcija prazna idete na Add new (nalazi se iznad centralnog tastera) a ako vec postoji neko podesavanje idete na Options pa zatim na Add new gde birate Services 5. Account nameupisite: Mobtel gprs 6. Homepage upisite: 7.
Access point settings: * Proxy izaberite: Enable * Proxy address upisite: * Proxy port upisite: 8080 * Data bearer birate: GPRS * Bearer settings: o GPRS access pointupisite: internet o Authentication typebirate: Normal o User name upisite: mobtel o Passwordupisite: gprs Na kraju podesavanja idete u opciju Default configuration(koja se nalazi u okviru Configuration settings) i tu birate Personal configuration. Mozda ce ovo izgledati glupo, ali samo tako sam uspeo da nateram A925 da se poveze na Mobtelov Proxy: Control panel/Connections/Internet accounts/new Account name: mobtel GPRS Connection type: GPRS /Advanced/server User name: mobtel Password: gprs Address: internet ***zvuci glupo al radi *** ne trazi maticni link /Log in oba cekirati tj. Auto IP i DNS /Proxy i port 8080 (bez obzira sto kazu da je za motorolu port 9201) /Other oba cekirana Po potvrdi na DONE proveriti proxy jer prvi put nece da prihvati.
Nakon drugog unosa je ok. Ono najteze da se shvati. Obavezno pod Control panel/International/ staviti na prvom mestu Yuga a na drugom mesto napr. /Time & date / proverite da li je tacno vreme i format stavite Malo je duza poruka al stacemo, muka je velika. Prvi put ce mozda izbaciti gresku unexpected error ili tako nesto, proverite ponovo da li je sve tacno postavljeno.
Ako prikaze samo prazan ekran to je to. Pod Browse proverite na kraju liste da li pise disconnect- znaci ulogovao se. Nekad mi izbaci html kod al glavno da radi. Parametri za GPRS: ----------------------------- Press Menu. Select Settings Connection Select Access Point.
New Access Point Select use default settings. Connection name: MobtelGPRS Data bearer: GPRS Access point name: internet User name: mobtel Prompt password: no Password: gprs Αuthentication: normal Homepage: Press Options Select Advanced settings Proxy serv.
Menu -> Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> Access points Options->New access point->Use default settings Connection name: MobtelGPRS Data bearer: Packet data Access point name: internet User name: mobtel Prompt password: No Password: gprs Authentication: Normal Homepage: Options->Advanced settings Network type: IPv4 Phone IP address: Automatic Name servers: Primary name server Second. Name server Proxy serv. Address: Proxy port number: 8080 Menu -> Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> Packet data Packet data conn.
When needed Access point: internet. MTS 064 MMS parametri za Nokia 6630 1. Udjite u Vaš Meni -> Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> 2. Access points -> potvrdite na Option -> 3.
New access point -> Use default settings -> Podesite parametre kao u nastavku: - Connection name: upišite MTS064 MMS - Data bearer: Packet data - Access Point name: gprswap - User name: mts - Prompt password: NO - Password: 064 - Authentication: Normal - Homepage: 4. Potvrdite ponovo na Option -> Advanced settings Za - Network Type: IPv4 - Phone IP Address: Automatic - Name servers: Automatic - Proxy serv. Address: - Proxy port number: 8080 Sada je potrebno da udjete u meni Messaging -> Options -> Settings -> Multimedia message -> - Image size: Large - MMS creation mode: Free - Access point in use -> odaberite sa liste MTS064 MMS - Recept. In home net.: Automatic - Reception if roaming: Defer retrieval - Allow anon. Messages: Yes - Receive adverts: Yes - Receive report: No - Deny report sending: No - Message validity: Maximum time Ovim smo završili podešavanja MMS profilaza Nokia 6630 MTS 064 GPRS parametri za Nokia 6630 1. Udjite u Vaš Meni -> Tools -> Settings -> Connection -> 2.
Access points -> potvrdite na Option -> 3. New access point -> Use default settings -> Podesite parametre kao u nastavku: - Connection name: upišite MTS064 GPRS - Data bearer: označite Packet data - Access Point name: gprswap - User name: mts - Prompt password: NO - Password: 064 - Authentication: Normal - Homepage: 4. Potvrdite ponovo na Option -> Advanced settings Za - Network Type: IPv4 - Phone IP Address: Automatic - Name servers: Automatic - Proxy serv. Address: - Proxy port number: 8080 Sada je potrebno da udjete u meni WEB -> Options -> Settings -> - Default access point: odaberite sa liste MTS064 GPRS - Show images: Yes - Text wrapping: On - Font size: Normal - Default encoding: Automatic - Automatic bookmarks: On - Screen size: Full screen - Volume: Proizvoljno postavite podešavanje - Rendering: Proizvoljno postavite podešavanje - Cookies: Allow - Java/ECMA script: Enable - Security warnings: Show - Confirm DTMF sending: Always - Wallet: Off Ovim smo završili podešavanja GPRS profila za model telefona Nokia 6630. Milojee: I ja imam isti problem sa lg u8138. Pa vidi ovako. Na sajtu mts064 dati su sledeci parametri(za mrezu 064): GPRS PARAMETRI: APN = gprswap Username = mts Password = 064 WAP parametri: IP address: Port: 9201 (ako se to zahteva, zavisi od modela mobilnog telefona) Homepage: Medjutim, ovako ne radi.